Thanks for your support in helping youth #bevaliant

The Koa Fund is a component fund of the Kalamazoo Community Foundation. We are honored to be part of an organization that supports so much good work.

Please know that 100% of your donation goes to the Koa Fund, and 100% of that goes to our partners, including Kalamazoo Fire, Hope Thru Navigation (J.A.B.S. (Justice Against Bullying @School), Kalamazoo Institute of Arts, Read and Write Kalamazoo, Young Kings & Queens, Open Roads Bike, OutFront Kalmazoo, Nataly Critchley and MAPEA, Kids Food Basket, and Community Healing Centers (Niñas Del Corazón).

To donate by check, please address it to KZCF with Koa Fund in the memo line, and mail it to the Kalamazoo Community Foundation, 402 E. Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 49007